The Initiate Of The Aquarian Age
by Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
ISBN: 978-9953-405-57-5
شراء عبر الشبكة | محتويات الكتاب | صورة الغلاف
“THE INTITIATE OF THE AQUARIAN AGE” is the fourth esoteric publication in English, in addition to forty six books in Arabic and one in French, and another in Spanish and Bulgarian, so far… all written by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM) and published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut. This futuristic masterpiece expands in 112 pages of concentrated instructive speeches and illuminating teachings, revealing the inner truths of the Aquarian Age and its Initiates, together with the prerequisites for effective advancement in self-development towards self-realization.
The Aquarian Age is the forthcoming epoch of humanity along the evolutionary road of development – following the present age of Pisces, which started with the coming of Christ.Preparation for the coming of this Golden Age has been popularized in clichés and various stereotypes, randomly coining many subjects related to the real man, free thought or mysticism as “New Age” prerequisites for development within… إقرأ المزيد