A Dialogue with the Wise Masters on the Esoteric

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-79-7

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 No doubt, the reader of our books has noticed that the Esoteric is not limited to any particular science or deals with any one field of knowledge, but covers every one of them. This is what distinguishes the Esoteric from all other schools of knowledge, and thought, in addition to the great variety of subjects it treats of.

The contents of the book is a series of questions and answers on different topics and their sub-divisions. The questions were posed by searchers for truth and knowledge from men of science and specialized researchers, to the Masters of esoteric knowledge and wisdom. And, the most splendid, precise and eloquent of the answers are those given in the form of analogies and metaphors, with the intention of bringing facts nearer to the general understanding.

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Lectures on the Esoteric – Part I

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-12-3

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The book is a series of lectures delivered at public meetings at different intervals. We present them verbatim for the benefit they have in all fields of human endeavour. In the totality of the variety of the subjects dealt with, the lectures constitute guidelines on the path of inner consciousness, helping to unfold the mental powers latent in man’s inner depths.

This is not only with the aim of liberating the supreme intelligence forces inherent in him, and penetrating his thought dimensions, but also for his arrival at an awareness of the course of stages on the path, leading man to that which is better, more perfect and more comprehensive, and this is based on the fact that man is master of himself and his fate.

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Re-Incarnation… A Reality or an Illusion?!

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-11-5

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This book opens the doors of consciousness to the principles of the soul, to awaken us to its concealed nature, and introduces us to the methods used for benefiting from its hidden powers in all fields. It deals with the subject of re-incarnation from a unique objective point of view, treating it in a logical and scientific manner, and in a way not touched upon by anyone before. And no wonder, since the Esoterique transcends the usual aims, and searches with impartiality for knowledge which leads to the truth – the truth which we accept as fact, the moment it is experienced personally.

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A Journey to the Unknown

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-10-7

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This book is a narrative of the search for and arrival at the truth and secrets of human existence. It narrates the story of a man who resolved to delve into the invisible realms and penetrate the world of the unknown, with the aim of understanding all that is hidden from the consciousness of the ordinary man, and what has been concealed from his awareness.

It is the story of every man who has decided to undertake this journey to the unknown to its end, aiming at reaching that ideal world. His journey will be in seven stages or progressive ascents on the path of higher consciousness, bringing him closer and closer to the truth of Self, where the enlightened man in his purity, warmth and brilliance merges with the light of existence.

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