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From the constellation of the Esoteric Publications by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
Time and its Unknown Dimensions (English Edition)
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
![Time and its Unknown Dimensions: As viewed by the Esoteric Science (Esoteric English Series Book 7) by [Majdalani, Joseph B.]](https://images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41mbk2iEjNL.jpg)
With this seventh publication in English, added to more than one hundred esoteric publications in eight languages, the remarkable abundance of the esoteric publications by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM), has become certain to the readers. In an unprecedented novelty, they delve in all that is unknown, connecting the outer with the inner to enrich Man’s life and to reveal the invisible in a workable logic, linking reality with the eternal truth.
A lot has been written about Time. It has been speculated, philosophised and debated; moreover, Einstein’s theory of Relativity was studied and taught, however it seems that no one looked at Time in its cosmic dimensions, not to say in its absolute existence.
A journey into the hidden Human Self (French Edition)
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
The book approaches new and far-reaching horizons in the technique of “Know Thyself”… In addition to its smooth and simple style, and the refinement and transparency of the depth of its contents, the book induces the reader to sail through the tempests of this glorious and modern way of life courageously and with inner peace and happiness. It presents a somewhat detailed course of practice which any person can apply in his daily life, round-the-clock.
Then, in not so long a time he discovers that he was able to tune to his inner Self, penetrating the depths of his being, uncovering its secrets, understanding the underlying state of its feelings, the motives of its behaviour, its mysterious incompatible relationships with others as well as with life itself, the finding of faults, and the discovery of the way of arriving at an inner equilibrium as well as with one’s environment. This results in an almost complete control over oneself and even on the events of one’s personal life.
A wise master’s letter to his disciples
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
This elaborate and comprehensive letter is considered by the great sages of self-knowledge and life, as the most important reference in the history of the sciences of man’s esoteric Self. Its author wished it to be the lantern which holds the gist of his experiences and knowledge, teaching and instructions, and all that for love of his pupils. He also wished it to be a general course to which they may refer whenever they needed guidance, or advice, or relevant opinion which would help them on the path of self-knowledge and practical way of life. The letter is in three sections: Act of Love; the Way to Consciousness; the Importance of Practical Application.
Re-Incarnation – A Reality or an Illusion
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
This book opens the doors of consciousness to the principles of the soul, to awaken us to its concealed nature, and introduces us to the methods used for benefiting from its hidden powers in all fields. It deals with the subject of re-incarnation from a unique objective point of view, treating it in a logical and scientific manner, and in a way not touched upon by anyone before. And no wonder, since the Esoteric Science transcends the usual aims, and searches with impartiality for knowledge which leads to the truth – the truth which we accept as fact, the moment it is experienced personally.
THE SCIENCE OF COLOURS – Cosmic and Human Colour Rays
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
In truth, very few have written on the subject of the science of colours, the role colours play in man’s self-knowledge, their influence on his personality, inquiring into their relationship and effect on his daily life, or investigating their role in his self-evolution.
The book unveils the significance of colours in the human psyche and the chakras, their symbols, their relation to the Cosmic rays and life vibrations, all of which are reflected in the aura, that electro-magnetic field surrounding man’s physical body.
How do the colour rays interact in this field? How do they affect and are in turn affected by man’s behaviour? All that is revealed in the aura’s colour undulations. For, colours are the language of the esoteric side in man and its nutrition, alike food is the nourishment for the body.
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
“MEDITATION AND CONTEMPLATION” unfolds the inner technique in two parts: Meditation in the first one; and Contemplation, the second. The book gives important hints on the subjects of the Mantras and the Chakras, to direct the aspirant along the meditative way. It elaborates on the preparatory stages, the regalia of meditation and its modus vivendi and modus operandi… giving a systematic procedure to follow, and offering a wide variety of meditational exercises and techniques. It imparts the sacred knowledge which the spiritual masters have taught for centuries about thought transference, telepathy, paranormal healing, revelations of former lives, reading “invisible” sheets and manuscripts, access to the Akashic Records or Cosmic Chronicles, manifestation in two places simultaneously, communication with the immaterial planes, Prana nourishment, Samadhi, Nirvana and other attainments through supreme stages of meditation. Fasten your seat-belts, this book in itself is sufficient to elevate you to great heights…
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
The Human-God
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
Here is an epic comprising in 114 pages a heroic love story of olden times… occurrences of which took place along the coastal cities of Sidon and Byblos in ancient Phoenicia – now Lebanon.Had there not been a great love, the alphabet would not have been invented in Byblos and invaded the globe! The book narrates the immortal love story of Adonis and Astarte, which had become a legendary tale…In a romantic style, this epic embodies the ambiance of this legendary fact, with all the splendour of its festive nights… portraying in an unmatched attempt the feats of glory in wise adages pulsating with great love, beauty and adoration, and with heroic deeds crowned with sacrifice for the sake of love-sublime… transcending to after-life! This epic could also be regarded as a historic tale narrated by the older generations to the new ones… so that much can be learned from a noble and free generous life vanquishing the powers of evil.
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CENT JOURS auprès d’un Maître de Sagesse
By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
Author’s page
JOSEPH B. MAJDALANI(JBM)is the founder of the First Esoteric Science Center in Lebanon and the Arab World which teaches the Principles of Self-Knowledge explaining the hidden mysteries of Nature and of Life (www.esoteric-lebanon.org). Beside English publications, he has to date 50 books in Arabic presenting the Esoteric Sciences in literary, philosophical and scientific language with emphasis on practical implementation of the information presented as a way of life, and books that were translated into French, Bulgarian and Spanish languages.
His English Books include: The HUMAN-god, Meditation and Contemplation, The Initiate of the Aquarian Age and The Science of Colours – Cosmic and Human Colour Rays.
P.O.BOX 16-6819 Postal code 11002160 Beirut, Lebanon.
Phone/Fax: +961-1-683462;
Email: info@Esoteric-lebanon.org ;
Website: Esoteric_Lebanon@hotmail.com;
http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005UKB202 |