The Black Diamond…

Haifa EL Arab

ISBN 978-9953-405-74-2


“The Black Diamond…” is now glowing among the treasured publications of the Esoteric Sciences – the Sciences of the Inner Man. The book is written (in Arabic) by Architect Haifa El Arab in 208 pages of medium size and published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut.

In the introduction of her novel, the author elucidates the concept of “The Black Diamond” as a question that perceptions dare not tackle, a question in which the mind fears to engage: “Could the affection of love confront death?!… Would the flame of love be quenched when the heart stops beating?!”

Thus, the author presents “The Black Diamond” as a symbolic state of the mundane self forming the core of the story, a state that captures rare and exceptional qualities and behaviours of the human being.

The protagonist is a woman of rare ambition who strived for her love beside a man of equivalent distinctiveness, with whom and for whom she depicted the archetype of authentic love in workaday life. Through her struggle, this woman overcomes the aphorism: “Marriage is the tomb of love”, reversing the equation and proving that what stifles love between partners are the negativities, and wrong doings, also the hidden and disguised qualities in the mundane self in each of the couple. These negative characteristics manifest in the behaviour of the couple dealing with each other in their daily and close interactions, especially where both partners fail to admit their negative points, in defense of the ego… blaming each other to escape responsibility…

Despite the warmth of conscious love that this woman attained beside her beloved partner, she finds herself facing the unexpected… she finds herself confronting death as a fierce enemy aggressively attacking everything she strived for! So she comes face to face with that great unknown, confronting it with unprecedented challenge and utmost noble struggle to protect the everlasting flame of her love.

Hence, the author portrayed the struggle between love and death, paving a path that connects life on Earth with the unforeseen or the after-life, aided by the knowledge of the humane and noble Esoteric Science, which explains that love shadowed by knowledge is achieved first as a conscious love in preparation for the authentic love, to ultimately lead to the great love….

With a knowledgeable and experienced narration, the novel meticulously unveils the duality of the mundane self in its conflicts and splendors, under utmost tension and in its paramount elegance, in its worst misery and ultimate happiness, throughout the heroine’s quest to unveil the facets of “The Black Diamond” within…

In its scarcity, the “The Black Diamond” symbolizes rare love that draws the model of the exceptional woman and the exceptional man in their joint quest, side by side, to flare the consciousness of their perceptions and emotions, as an archetype of the woman and man of the future, in the forthcoming generations of human consciousness, throughout life and after death…

“The Black Diamond…” is a realistic novel in which Earth meets heaven! It incites the reader to sail in the depths of authentic love, in a smooth and flowing style of thrill and suspense, yet realistic and methodical, crowned by an eloquent narrative touch which elevates the perceptions to seemingly unprecedented horizons. Besides the abundance of intellectual creativity, the novel is based on deep knowledge and experience in the intricacies of the human self, in light of the adage “know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and God”…

And so, did the ambition of this woman attain its aim?!… Can the two poles of existence evolve to accomplish conscious love, then authentic love, paving the way to the great love?!

This is what “The Black Diamond…” reveals in a splendid narration, not far from literary eloquence.
