The Esoteric Science – The Science of Consciousness (Poster)

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

An outline of a layout of the Esoterique, i.e. the Esoteric Science, the Science of the man of the future in the forthcoming Age, the Age of the humanity of man.

It is the science of the human nature of man-the-aspirant, who is seeking perfection! It is the technique of “know thyself” in practical application.

The Esoteric Science is the science of the invisible, before it is the science of the visible… The science of truth before reality, and the science of man before it is a humane science.

The Esoteric Science is the application of knowledge in life. It is the unfoldment of the cosmic mystery dormant in the being of man… And the awareness of the soul in the body!

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The Science of Colours (Cosmic and Human Colour Rays)

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-614-449-067-9

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It is a leap into a new dimension, it is the long-awaited book that delves into the profound meanings of colours in the context of existence and the human being, their reflection in the etheric body (Aura), their manifestations across the dimensions of human consciousness, their centres in the chakras, and their impact on the human psyche.

The Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut – Lebanon, presents to the readers and followers of the Esoteric Science the fifth edition of “The Science of Colours (Cosmic and Human Colour Rays)” in Arabic by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM) spanning 272 medium-sized pages. Following numerous demands, this unique book was also translated into English. Read more

A Dialogue with the Wise Masters on the Esoteric

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-79-7

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 No doubt, the reader of our books has noticed that the Esoteric is not limited to any particular science or deals with any one field of knowledge, but covers every one of them. This is what distinguishes the Esoteric from all other schools of knowledge, and thought, in addition to the great variety of subjects it treats of.

The contents of the book is a series of questions and answers on different topics and their sub-divisions. The questions were posed by searchers for truth and knowledge from men of science and specialized researchers, to the Masters of esoteric knowledge and wisdom. And, the most splendid, precise and eloquent of the answers are those given in the form of analogies and metaphors, with the intention of bringing facts nearer to the general understanding.

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Lectures on the Esoteric – Part I

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-12-3

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The book is a series of lectures delivered at public meetings at different intervals. We present them verbatim for the benefit they have in all fields of human endeavour. In the totality of the variety of the subjects dealt with, the lectures constitute guidelines on the path of inner consciousness, helping to unfold the mental powers latent in man’s inner depths.

This is not only with the aim of liberating the supreme intelligence forces inherent in him, and penetrating his thought dimensions, but also for his arrival at an awareness of the course of stages on the path, leading man to that which is better, more perfect and more comprehensive, and this is based on the fact that man is master of himself and his fate.

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