Lectures on the ESOTERIC – Part X

By Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (Master JBM)

ISBN: 978-9953-405-93-3

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New revelations of knowledge are presented in the sixtieth book of the Esoteric Science series titled “Lectures on the ESOTERIC – Part X” authored by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (Master JBM). The book enfolds 144 mid-sized pages and is published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut – Lebanon.

It seems that Dr. Majdalani’s repertoire holds boundless treasures of knowledge that continue to shine brightly, as the selection of new lectures that this book presents are only a handful of them, and its gold-coloured cover also expresses them, with far-reaching knowledge connotations…

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The Human Being between Consciousness and Unconsciousness

By Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (Master JBM)

ISBN: 978-614-449-032-7

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Master JBM (Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani) offered the Arabic library, not to say the world, an unprecedented wealth of human knowledge through his series of Esoteric Science publications. His giving is an ageless human practical knowledge that continues to flow from his indefatigable pen, surprising the aspirants of esoteric knowledge with its novelty, whatever may the circumstances be.

Master JBM’s new release “The Human Being between Consciousness and Unconsciousness” is the fifty ninth publication in Arabic that holds his initials JBM. This exceptional book of 144 medium-sized pages is published only in Arabic among the Esoteric Science series by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut – Lebanon.

The book is composed of three sections explaining the path of life and its stages from consciousness to unconsciousness, from the lower self to the human higher Self and beyond, passing through the various levels of consciousness and the numerous levels of unconsciousness, crowning “the human being as the wisdom of the future” in his quest to reach perfect consciousness.

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Know your self and your Higher Self

By Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (Master JBM)

ISBN: 978-9953-405-93-3

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Know your self and your Higher Self” is the latest publication added to the unique ‘Know your…’ series of the Esoteric Sciences – the sciences of the inner-man. The book is the fifty-second by Dr. Joseph Majdalani (JBM), published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut, Lebanon. Spanning 224 medium-sized pages, the book offers a relentless exploration into the depths of human unknown intricacies, encompassing the human entity and its inner realms, the psyche and the higher Self, and their underlying truths never explored before…

In the first pages, the author engages the reader with sensory experiments, to unveil within the chapters of the book, facts that had never crossed the mind before… It further reveals the borderline between the psyche and the higher Self, between the psyche and human personality, and between apparent reality and what lies beyond: “Close your eyes, calm your thoughts, then concentrate deeply on them… what do you feel, what do you see?! Do you see a black screen, or foggy and wavy shadows that diffuse at times and condense at others, or are you entangled by the hustle of your thoughts racing and hopping from a thought to another?! Go deeper into what you are seeing or thinking, then question the nature of what you see, think, and feel…”

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Lectures on the Esoteric – Part VII

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-90-2

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The recently published “Lectures on the Esoteric – Part VII” in the Arabic language by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM) is number fifty one in the Esoteric Sciences series. The book enfolds 128 pages of medium size, and is published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut.

In this seventh pitch of the spectrum of the “Lectures on the Esoteric”, the Esoteric Sciences present unprecedented scientific truths and futuristic revelations that are applied to daily life, overpassing the current state of technology and expanding the horizons of thought with all that is unknown, awaiting its discovery in the near future. Read more