Lectures on the ESOTERIC – Part X

By Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (Master JBM)

ISBN: 978-9953-405-93-3

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New revelations of knowledge are presented in the sixtieth book of the Esoteric Science series titled “Lectures on the ESOTERIC – Part X” authored by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (Master JBM). The book enfolds 144 mid-sized pages and is published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut – Lebanon.

It seems that Dr. Majdalani’s repertoire holds boundless treasures of knowledge that continue to shine brightly, as the selection of new lectures that this book presents are only a handful of them, and its gold-coloured cover also expresses them, with far-reaching knowledge connotations…

The new publication features a collection of twelve lectures with unprecedented themes, shedding light on all that the contemporary individual needs to ascend from a bleak reality toward a bright future filled with the light of awareness and understanding…

Since its inception, Esoteric Science has revealed that the present age is the age of light and knowledge (known astrologically as the Age of Aquarius). It is the age of shaping humanity itself – the very purpose for which Dr. Majdalani established the Esoteric Science methodology. Each book in the Esoteric Science series contributes as a piece to this grand mosaic of human knowledge, shedding light on the purpose of human existence, and offering a systematic roadmap that leads directly to this goal.

For readers passionate to know themselves, we summarize that this book is a beacon of hope, and a practical guide. From it, they can extract the characteristics of the human being of the future, and then engage into deep introspections to compare and discover how they can become that future human today……

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