The Science of Numbers and the Secret of the Zero

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN: 978-9953-405-84-1

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In the Essence of Divinity and the Nature of Humanity

A book of consciousness that delves into the hidden dimensions.

A simplified book on a complex topic, designed for readers seeking what lies beyond sight but is revealed to insight!

In the context of this book, the term ‘Numbers’ denotes the symbolic essence of numerals (أرقام) distinguishing it from the mundane quantities or mathematical values (أعداد)

Numbers (Numerals) and quantities, equations and forms… Yet, they all hinge on one secret, the secret of Zero! From it, all Numbers and quantities emerged, to it they return, and in it they dissolve… So, what is the great secret of the Zero?!

What is the connection between the existence of Numbers and the “sanctity” of the Zero?! More importantly, what is the relationship between creation and Numbers?

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A Wise Master’s Letter to His Disciples

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN: 978-614-449-056-3

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After a long wait and following the tremendous success of the book “A Wise Master’s Letter to His Disciples” upon its translation into English, this small yet profound book (in Arabic) has been reprinted due to popular demand from readers and followers of the Esoteric Science. The book spans 80 medium-sized pages and is published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut – Lebanon.

A Wise Master’s Letter to His Disciples” presents a letter penned not too long ago by one of the great masters of knowledge to his disciples, after having established them in the sound methodology of knowledge. This letter encapsulates the vast experiences and wisdom of this great master, infused with his boundless love… his love for his disciples, and for the higher, holier purpose to which he dedicated his life, and indeed, his very existence!

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Know Your Heart

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN: 978-614-449-041-9

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How can one truly “know their heart”? What does “knowledge of the heart” entail? Is it about navigating the turbulent seas of emotion, or exploring the intricate labyrinth of thought? Or perhaps, it is a profound dive into both realms, where feelings and intellect intertwine in a delicate dance…

Know Your Heart!”, now in its fourth edition, is the fifth publication by Dr. Joseph Majdalani (Master JBM), within the Esoteric Science series, which has reached 56 books in Arabic to date. Additionally, several of his works have been published in seven foreign languages, bringing the total to over one hundred publications. “Know Your Heart!” spans 144 medium-sized pages, published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut – Lebanon.

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The Ten Letters

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN: 978-9953-405-03-4

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This book is a collection of ten letters written by great wise masters on different esoteric subjects, some of which may seem strange of their kind to readers who have no previous knowledge of studies dealing with the hidden side of man’s nature. Although the letters were originally meant to be personal instructions and teachings to the addressees, they proved to be, additionally, general guidelines to those interested in the social, educational and applicable sides in the fields of the esoteric and mysterious knowledge of man and his hidden nature. These letters are now published as general and comprehensive guidelines and lessons on the subjects dealt with.

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