Talk With The Stars…

By Haifa El Arab

ISBN 978-614-449-003-7

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Talk with the stars…” is a novel that tackles the gender inequality debate in light of the Esoteric Science’s methodology. The approach is unprecedented as it delves in the deep mysteries of the law of Karma (as per the Esoteric Science revelations) to unveil the hidden link between the ‘non-love’ in the mundane self, and inequality between woman and man.

“Talk with the stars…” is the fifth novel of Haifa El Arab, who is an Architect in profession, an Esoteric researcher in nature, and a novelist as a hobby. The novel includes 192 medium-sized pages, published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut.

Haifa El Arab describes her novel as an adventure on the verge of what the Esoteric Sciences defines as ‘non-love’. An adventure that projects the law of karma onto the intricate relation between both sexes…

Talk with the stars…” is a revolutionary approach to actuality, an inspiring revolution disclosing clues to every woman who aspires to be a “Woman of the future”, and to each passionate man aspiring to be a “Man of the future”… alongside of his beloved one… While treading on the path of self-consciousness… The novelist reveals that the “great mistake is in the common belief that the female’s revolution is in her uprising against her man… Or conversely, his revolution against her… It is their common revolution on the non-love within“… thus the novel opens closed doors on the relationship mysteries between both sexes, portraying the shape of their future uprising… that on ‘non-love’ haunting every human being on earth…

“She and He”, both embody every Woman and Man brought by their passion for self-consciousness, on their unified path by the will of love, as the Esoteric principles stipulate towards self-knowledge… However the ‘non-love’ was spreading its shadow over their happiness, stretching its authority in the deep dark recesses of the self, and in all that is left “unspoken” between loving couples…

The heroine of the novel is a woman who exceeded her middle-age, versed in conscious love (based on self-knowledge methodology). For this woman, consciousness is her path, love is her star, equality is her obsession, armed with them altogether she chose to confront the ‘non-love’ in her deep self… A confrontation that incarnated the utmost challenge in her pursue of self-consciousness… Thus, with her will for love, she broke through what is thought to be ‘the impossible’ for the generations that passed and others that will come. With her will for conscious love and purity in her approach she discovered the hidden link between unprecedented triads; as revealed by the law of karma, by ‘non-love’ and gender inequality…

In contrast protagonist, the hero is a confident man, consciously matured with the wisdom of applied knowledge, decides alongside his beloved woman to challenge the inner conflicts of the mundane self to overcome the “temperamental” of love between his ego and that of his beloved one… Between the imposed duality of love and ‘non-love’… a convergence then a divergence… followed by another and many others… reaching the harmony of love, but falling again in the contradictions of ‘non-love’… without surrendering…

Talk with the stars…” is a roadmap from inequality to equality between Women and Men, an equality mostly unknown to humankind since the deluge of Atlantis…

This is a fascinating novel, which raises the notion of ‘non-love’ for the first time in the history of the analysis of the mundane self, and delves in the intricate relationship between both genders, in the obscure depths of the human self, penetrating where no one dared to access before…

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