The Concept of the Esoteric on Woman and Man

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-26-3

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This is a study unique of its kind, a subject which no one has treated before! It penetrates deeply into the origin of the perfect Human Being in his integral state, and who in the process of time differentiated into woman and man. That separation was a stage in the differentiation of life itself and its dualities , and not an emanation of one from the other.

The book deals with the underlying relationship and complete equality between woman and man, and elaborates on the nature and mechanisms of man’s esoteric bodies, on which both man and woman are urged to work to realize the attainment of the ultimate reunion between the differentiated parts. Read more

When Body Nutrition Also Nurtures the Self

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-25-5

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 Many are the books written on nutrition, but none has dealt with the nutrition of the body and the self side by side, as in this book. It defines and explains the word “health” and the factors which go to help in its attainment, clarifying the extent of its connection with inhalation and exhalation. It also reveals the secrets of good health and the means whereby immunity and prevention of disease can be achieved. It points to the primary cause of disease, some methods of treatment, the role played by man’s awareness in both instances, and the importance of a balanced diet in the maintenance of good health. Read more

A Hundred Days with a Master of Wisdom

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-24-7

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 This book is a personal account by a student of the Esoterique who spent a hundred days with a Master of Wisdom some place in the Himalayas… where he was able to verify and witness, personally, so-called “miracles” or supernatural phenomena which the Master was able to work in the capacity of the unfoldment of his psychic and esoteric powers.

The student observed and listened to the Master as he explained the technique of developing those hidden powers latent in man, and of producing such “phenomena or miracles”, in a general sense.

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The Esoteric, the Science of Knowledge, and the Knowledge of Science

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-23-9

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 Science in itself does not evolve, but it evolves the means by which it gets introduced to knowledge… enabling it to arrive at certain facts. On the other hand, knowledge in its absolute sense is a secret and an enigma: the secret of the man who has much and asks for more, and he who owns all without an aim of saving any.

What’s new in the Esoterique is that it stimulates higher mental thought which forms the basis of the development of more exact scientific means, as well as encourages the evolution of culture and civilization, all adding up to the unfoldment of human consciousness which in turn is reflected in man’s daily life affairs.

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