Whisperings to the Heart and Consciousness

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-17-4

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 This book surveys consciousness in its several levels and dimensions, in poetical verse, through power of thought and softness of feelings. It delves into that way of life which man’s consciousness tries to pursue, and which man endeavours to comprehend. It clarifies that the task of the mind is the acquirement of knowledge and the compilation of information while consciousness is unfolded by their transformation into experiments and practical experience. For, consciousness is the capacity to comprehend matters through personal experience, whether mental, emotional or otherwise. So, consciousness cannot be unfolded except through the practical application of the acquired knowledge in daily life, thus diminishing gradually and progressively the space of unconsciousness in man’s being.

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A Man’s Return to Earth to Convey a Message

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN: 978-9953-405-80-3

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 This is an autobiography of a man whose confessions are intended to unfold the mysteries and clarify the causes of the sorrows of the soul. It relates how the autobiographer, through a series of re-incarnations, reached self-knowledge through a long series of hardships and sufferings, exhausting endeavours, mental pain and torment. He mentions how, in the end, all that awakened in him the awareness of divine wisdom, after his having been on the verge of losing belief in the Law of Life and its decrees. He also relates how he ultimately arrived at the conviction that he who knows how to tolerate the critical moments of pain and hardships is able to enjoy happiness even at such times of sadness, suffering and misery.

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The Esoteric Science – The Science of Consciousness (Poster)

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

An outline of a layout of the Esoterique, i.e. the Esoteric Science, the Science of the man of the future in the forthcoming Age, the Age of the humanity of man.

It is the science of the human nature of man-the-aspirant, who is seeking perfection! It is the technique of “know thyself” in practical application.

The Esoteric Science is the science of the invisible, before it is the science of the visible… The science of truth before reality, and the science of man before it is a humane science.

The Esoteric Science is the application of knowledge in life. It is the unfoldment of the cosmic mystery dormant in the being of man… And the awareness of the soul in the body!

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The Science Of Colours – The Cosmic and Human Colour Rays

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-14-X

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In truth, very few have written on the subject of the science of colours, the role colours play in man’s self-knowledge, their influence on him, inquiring into their relationship and effect on his daily life, or investigating their role in his self-evolution.

The book unveils the significance of colours, their symbols, their relation to the Cosmic rays and life vibrations, all of which are reflected in the electro-magnetic field surrounding man’s physical body (the aura).

How do the colour rays interact in this field? How do they affect and are in turn affected by man’s behaviour? All that is revealed in the colour undulations in that electro-magnetic field. For, colours are the language of the esoteric side in man and its nutrition, as food is nutrition for the body.

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