The HUMAN-god

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-48-3

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Here is an epic comprising a heroic love story of olden times… occurrences of which took place along the coastal cities of Sidon and Byblos in ancient Phoenicia – now Lebanon. Had there not been a great love, the alphabet would not have been invented in Byblos and invaded the globe! The book narrates the immortal love story of Adonis and Astarte, which had become a legendary tale… (for legends are more often the facts of semi-gods heroic exploits – a living example to the future generations). In a romantic style, this epic embodies the ambiance of this legendary fact, with all the splendour of its festive nights… portraying in an unmatched attempt the feats of glory in wise adages pulsating with great love, beauty and adoration, and with heroic deeds crowned with sacrifice for the sake of love-sublime… transcending to after-life! With words smoother than flirtation, propelled by an ardent willpower piercing throughout time to attain a great goal… Read more

The Science of Colours

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-47-6

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The Science of Colours – Cosmic and Human Colour Rays

In truth, very few have written on the subject of the science of colours, the role colours play in man’s self-knowledge, their influence on his personality, inquiring into their relationship and effect on his daily life, or investigating their role in his self-evolution. The book unveils the sgnificance of colours in the human psyche, their symbols, their relation to the Cosmic rays and life vibrations, all of which are reflected in the aura, that electro-magnetic field surrounding man’s physical body. How do the colour rays interact in this field? How do they affect and are in turn affected by man’s behaviour? All that is revealed in the aura’s colour undulations. For, colours are the language of the esoteric side in man and its nutrition, alike the food as nourishment for the body.

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The Secrets of the Human Body Formation

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-46-9

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This book is the forty first masterwork within the series of the Esoteric Sciences, written by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM) and published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge in Beirut. The contents of the book expand in 240 medium ― sized pages, Unveiling the Secrets of Symbols forming the Human Body and its Organs.

 It was said long ago: “Symbols are the alphabet of the gods”, just as eloquence is the language of the awe-inspiring perfectness expressed by a creative mind! This leads to the aphorism “If the symbol is lost, the meaning fades away”, which in itself is a dazzling summary that hides a rhetoric wisdom, the explanation of which requires volumes of writings… and to it goes the credit in publishing this book. Read more

Time and its Unknown dimensions

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-44-5

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Within the ever expanding Esoteric series comes the fortieth Arabic book entitled “TIME AND ITS UNKNOWN DIMENSIONS (THROUGH THE ESOTERIC PERSPECTIVE)”, written (In Arabic) by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM). This book comprises 80 medium sized pages and is published by the Friends of the Society of the White Knowledge in Beirut. It has become certain to many readers that the fountain of the Esoteric knowledge is ever flowing, with a novelty gained from probing and delving in all that is unknown, connecting the outer with the inner to enrich Man’s life, thus revealing the invisible unknown in a workable logic linking reality with the eternal truth. Read more