Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)
ISBN 978-9953-405-46-9
This book is the forty first masterwork within the series of the Esoteric Sciences, written by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM) and published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge in Beirut. The contents of the book expand in 240 medium ― sized pages, Unveiling the Secrets of Symbols forming the Human Body and its Organs.
It was said long ago: “Symbols are the alphabet of the gods”, just as eloquence is the language of the awe-inspiring perfectness expressed by a creative mind! This leads to the aphorism “If the symbol is lost, the meaning fades away”, which in itself is a dazzling summary that hides a rhetoric wisdom, the explanation of which requires volumes of writings… and to it goes the credit in publishing this book. Read more