16. Is there any difference between love and humane Love?

“love” is a human bond that starts between two partners, and expands as humane “Love” to children, extending towards the circle of society and everyone. While the humane “Love”, in its absolute concept, is an existential connection that weaves its luminous strings between the creature (man) and the Creator. In page 16 of our book “Know Love!” it is said: “The word Love (in Arabic محبة) embraces the word love (حب) within its folds, like the mother embraces her child, implying that eventually, the goal of love is to attain Love”.

14. Do the Esoteric publications include translations from other languages?

No, our publications are original, they do not include any translations or copying. The legal proof is that the qualification “All rights reserved” appears on all of them. Because their sources are of the inexhaustible wellsprings of supreme knowledge, which reveals itself to the aspirants. And that is why the Esoteric publications are being used today as references in educational graduate researches and as a source for numerous publications of various kinds. On the other hand, some of our publications are translated into foreign languages details of which are available in the “Publications” pages.