By Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (Master JBM)
ISBN: 978-9953-405-93-3
“Know your self and your Higher Self” is the latest publication added to the unique ‘Know your…’ series of the Esoteric Sciences – the sciences of the inner-man. The book is the fifty-second by Dr. Joseph Majdalani (JBM), published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut, Lebanon. Spanning 224 medium-sized pages, the book offers a relentless exploration into the depths of human unknown intricacies, encompassing the human entity and its inner realms, the psyche and the higher Self, and their underlying truths never explored before…
In the first pages, the author engages the reader with sensory experiments, to unveil within the chapters of the book, facts that had never crossed the mind before… It further reveals the borderline between the psyche and the higher Self, between the psyche and human personality, and between apparent reality and what lies beyond: “Close your eyes, calm your thoughts, then concentrate deeply on them… what do you feel, what do you see?! Do you see a black screen, or foggy and wavy shadows that diffuse at times and condense at others, or are you entangled by the hustle of your thoughts racing and hopping from a thought to another?! Go deeper into what you are seeing or thinking, then question the nature of what you see, think, and feel…”
Where do the higher Self and the psyche reside? What are their respective essences, ‘shapes’, ‘colours’ or natures so to say?! These are among the questions the book answers, expanding the reader’s understanding of the veracities of the human beings and the existence which contains them…
In its first part, the book presents an overview of the history of the Higher Self, from spirit to psyche, from light to luminosity, and from the perfect human to the man of today. It reveals truths that were never mentioned in the previous Esoteric Sciences journeys into the mysteries of the Human Self. The second part addresses the order of life, the solar system, and their relation to the Higher Self, clarifying connections between the psyche, the higher Self and Earth, and the other human connections within the higher Self. The book then delves into the cosmic memory (Akasha) and the images it holds of the life cycles throughout the history of mankind existence. Then it concludes in its third part with a detailed explanation of the triad ‘Goodness – Appreciation – Confidence’, clarifying why incarnated humans struggle to understand themselves, after the seed of goodness within them receded, right after the greatest flood catastrophe in history (the drowning of the Atlantis Continent).
This book aims to alleviate the pain of the self-ignorance due to not recognising its original image within the Higher Self – not knowing its true essence. For there is no prison harder or darker than the confinement of transparent truth within the dense negativities of reality, the imprisonment of the ‘humane’ (the Higher Self) within the limits of the ‘mortal’ (the psyche), or the restriction of comprehensive intelligence within the boundaries of materialistic, mundane horizontal thought… Truly, there no dungeon worse than trapping freedom within the labyrinths of the Ego, comparable to detaining the spirit in the disordered chaos of non-system.
Be careful, dear reader, enter the book slowly, as you are about to embark on a journey toward yourself, into yourself, within you and around you… a unique journey born of psychological and inner experience; a journey where you are both the path and the traveller. This journey begins in your transient reality, leading you to the truth of your psyche and being… Tread carefully; do not rush the journey, but do not slow down either, as you are set to encounter truths you would not want to miss…