The Aurora of Divinity

Haifa EL Arab

ISBN 978-9953-405-88-9


After she broke into the world of novels with confidence and braveness, Architect Haifa El Arab signed her new novel “The Aurora of Divinity…” in Beirut International Book Fair – Biel 2014 completing with this novel her Trilogy in love within the Esoteric Sciences series. The novel includes 304 pages of medium size published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut.

Haifa El Arab pioneered in bringing the Architectural aesthetics and harmony into the world of novel, why not since love is the core of her writings… She boundlessly opened the perspectives into the realm of love; with unparalleled eloquence, depth and creative literature that carries between the lines profound messages to the individual and the society… Read more

Spiritual Rays – Human Rays – Terrestrial Rays

How man’s life cycles on Earth are organized

By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN: 978-9953-405-83-4

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With seekers carving a path to its door, Esoteric Science announces the advent of its forty-ninth book in the Arabic language: “Spiritual Rays – Human Rays – Terrestrial Rays (How man’s life cycles on Earth are organized)” by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM), published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge, Beirut. The book comprises 256 medium sized pages with an intriguing subtitle. The book unveils, for the first time in the history of esoteric and spiritual literature, unprecedented and mysterious truths on the alphabet of genesis and cosmogony. It serves as a guide to every man or seeker exploring their origins, since the formation of their spiritual ray on Earth and beyond. The book enlightens the mind with new knowledge and elevate the personal and social life to higher standards, based on clear milestones and solid foundations.

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A journey into the Hidden Human Self (French Edition)

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-72-8

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The book approaches new and far-reaching horizons in the technique of “Know Thyself”… In addition to its smooth and simple style, and the refinement and transparency of the depth of its contents, the book induces the reader to sail through the tempests of this glorious and modern way of life courageously and with inner peace and happiness. It presents a somewhat detailed course of practice which any person can apply in his daily life, round-the-clock.

Then, in not so long a time he discovers that he was able to tune to his inner Self, penetrating the depths of his being, uncovering its secrets, understanding the underlying state of its feelings, the motives of its behaviour, its mysterious incompatible relationships with others as well as with life itself, the finding of faults, and the discovery of the way of arriving at an inner equilibrium as well as with one’s environment. This results in an almost complete control over oneself and even on the events of one’s personal life. Read more

Lectures on the Esoteric – Part VI

By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-77-3

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Lectures on the Esoteric – Part VI”, authored by Dr. Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM), is the forty-eighth book among the Esoteric Sciences series. The book enfolds 112 pages of medium size and is published by the Society of Friends of the White Knowledge in Beirut.

In ‘Part VI’ of the “Lectures on the Esoteric” series, Esoteric Sciences continue to offer unprecedented knowledge in a practical and scientifically grounded framework. Applied to real-world contexts, this knowledge aims at elevating human consciousness through active practice and experience, empowering individuals to excel in understanding the human psyche.

At the gates of the age of light and knowledge – the Aquarian age – this sixth episode unveils the secrets of the futuristic technology, the esoteric technology, which will be adopted by the man of the future to generate the ‘energy of the future’, to diagnose diseases and even treat them in some cases. In this regard, the book reveals that “crystals will distinctively stand as the primary source of energy in the future. The denoted crystal is a raw material capable of generating an energy that will be considered as the most important and effective among all previously known sources of energy. This raw crystal material was the cornerstone of the civilization of Atlantis according to the scriptures of ancient esoteric history.

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