Know your Intelligence

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-34-4

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As a breakthrough in the realm of the Mind, the book addresses a momentous factor of practical life – the Intelligence. It points out to the source of Intelligence, its location, and the mechanism of its manifestation. Then it sheds light on the distinction between the operation of the intellect, as thought, and the performance of the Intelligence, i.e. between perception (as external means) and comprehension (as internal means), aiming to cognizance (by observation and identification) thus teaching through comparison. Read more

Know your Thought

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-33-6

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 The book discusses Thought, from its dual aspects, the humane and the mundane. The first being the essence and origin; the second, the derivative and ramification. The realm of manifestation of the first is the higher human Self, representing the reflection of the Divine in man; while the second operates in the area of the mundane self and is the production of experimentation and outcome of experiences conducted on earth, throughout ages. Read more

Lectures on the Esoteric – Part II (Spanish Edition)

Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-61-2


 This book is a continuation to Part I. It consists of a collection of additional series of various lectures delivered at public meetings at different intervals. We present them verbatim for the practical benefit they have in all fields of human endeavor. In the totality of the variety of the subjects dealt with, the lectures reveal the intimate relation between the inner being of man, and the outer one… shedding light on the understanding of the Esoteric in a practical science and practical philosophy, and in a way of life comprehensive of mental, psychological and physical fields which interests every reader whether he is a scientist, an intellectual, a researcher or seeker for self-knowledge. Read more

Lectures on the Esoteric – Part II

By Joseph B. Majdalani (JBM)

ISBN 978-9953-405-32-8

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 This book is a continuation to Part I. It consists of a collection of additional series of various lectures delivered at public meetings at different intervals. We present them verbatim for the practical benefit they have in all fields of human endeavor. In the totality of the variety of the subjects dealt with, the lectures reveal the intimate relation between the inner being of man, and the outer one… shedding light on the understanding of the Esoteric in a practical science and practical philosophy, and in a way of life comprehensive of mental, psychological and physical fields which interests every reader whether he is a scientist, an intellectual, a researcher or seeker for self-knowledge. Read more